Investigative Journalism and Learning Hub - Unfinancial committee member Moses Levitt from SP52948 Lot 147 looking for false accusations to defend his status on 13 November 2014

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From: Zelda and Moses Levitt
To: Russell Young BCS Strata Management, Jeffery Wang, John Ward, Maureen McDonald, Raphael Hirschhorn, Stan Pogorelsky, Steve Luxmoore, Bruce Copland
Subject: Harassment of residents
Date: 13/11/14, 4:40 pm

Mr Russel Young, et al,

The following letter to Lot 158 is a reply to his assertions and for record purposes and does not require action on your part.

Mr and Mrs Lot 158

I am aware of your latest diatribe making false accusations and innuendos.

I also understand that you maintain that "peaceful enjoyment" of living in this complex is compromised by the actions of certain individuals. I must point out, and bring to the attention of all concerned, that it is your behaviour that is causing stress and resentment in what was once a very happy community.

Mrs Lot 158, who is probably twice my size, and half my age, has on a number of occasions closed the elevator door in my face as I was about to enter the elevator behind her. On these occasions I reopened the door, probably putting myself at some risk. This behaviour on her part is reprehensible, inconsiderate, and can in no way contribute to peace and harmony in the complex. I know of some residents who will sit in their cars waiting for her to disappear before coming out and waiting for the elevator to return.

I am not wasting time asking for an apology as I would not accept anything that she says in good faith. We have lived in this complex for 14 years and out of 200 plus residences the occupants of only one unit have consistently acted in a confrontational manner. Mr Lot 158 has sworn at residents and behaved in a threatening way. He has made false accusations in front of my friends in my presence. He also seems to think that he has the right to monitor who our friends are and who we associate with. This is not STASILAND and I suggest that he minds his own business.

I will not hesitate to bring his behaviour to the attention of the wider public in this complex and will raise the matter of his behaviour at the AGM if he persists.

Mrs. S Z Levitt