Investigative Journalism and Learning Hub - BCS Strata Management ignored request for SP52948 current status of buildings and fire safety on 6 September 2013

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From: SP52948 owner
To: Peter Bone BCS Strata Management
CC: Paul Banoob Pica Group
Subject: REQUEST FOR AGM 2012: SP52948 Report Current Status of Building and Fire Safety
Date: 6/9/13, 8:55 pm


Request for the action by the AGM 2013:

1. Last year, Napier & Blakeley's building and asbestos report was completed in July 2012.

In line with the Work Health Safety (WHS) Laws that commenced on 1 January 2012 and are accompanied by the Model Work Health and Safety Regulations (MWHSR), the Strata Manager and the EC are to report what actions were completed and which ones are still outstanding since July 2012 (more than a year ago).

2. Due to delays in acting upon the fire safety reports by Eagle Fire Protection in January and July 2013 (see the attachment), it is requested to report on the status of completed and outstanding issues that these fire safety reports contained. In addition, it is very strange that two versions of the comments about fire safety are reported in two different versions of the minutes of the EC meeting held on 28 August 2013.

This report must be provided by a professional body and not based on personal views by unlicensed and unauthorized staff.

3. Motion for the AGM 2013 for conducting OH&S Risk Assessment before the general meetings each year to ensure a safe working environment is strongly recommended for all owners' and workers sake.

Explanation for owners who are not familiar with the laws:

The MWHSR is supported by a number of model Codes of Practice which were agreed to by all Ministers in December 2009.

By new WHS laws, any place where a worker is working is a workplace and hence the WHS applies to us (through so-called "Persons Conducting Business or Undertaking" (PCBU) definition).

In plain English, to understand what the legislation describes as a PCBU, it is easiest to look at what activities are likely to happen within strata scheme which are possibly meeting the definition of a PCBU:
To comply with the new legislation each building need to regularly identify and assess hazards and risks and ensure the following are up to date for each building:

1. Fire and Evacuation/Emergency Management Plan
2. Asbestos Management Plan
3. Contractors’ Safe Work Method Statements
4. Contractors’ Site Facilities Schedule

Hazards and risks which may apply to the Committee can include pools, storage of hazardous material, slips, trips and falls. This will require bodies corporate to keep registers, discuss issues with tradespersons, have adequate training for risks and have adequate documents displayed advising of risks.

Under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, the maximum fines for non-compliance are severe and exhaustive. There are certain penalties that range up to $3 million for a body corporate found guilty, $600,000 for individuals such as committee members/owners or in some instances jail terms.

Whilst these are the maximum fines under the proposed laws the non compliance by bodies corporate of even the simplest issue may result in fines and/or claims against it.